Chittagong University Admission Result

Chittagong University A-Unit and D-Unit Admission Result have been Published. The results of these two units were released today. CU Admission Test Result has been published on the admission website Students will be able to know the result by logging in with their user ID and password. However, after 24 hours, you can know the result with the subject-based marks by logging in to your respective profile. A PDF copy of the merit list can be downloaded from the Chittagong University ICT Cell website. The results have also been published on the official Facebook page of Chittagong University.

Earlier, the Chittagong University C and B units have been published. The admission test of A-unit was held on 1st November and 2nd November. The admission test of the D-unit was held on 30th and 31st October.


The Chittagong University A-unit has been published on 5 November 2021. These are the departments and institutes of the Faculty of Science, Biology, Engineering and Marine Sciences, and Fisheries. This unit has 1212 seats.

A-Unit Admission Test 2020-21 was held on November 1 and November 2 in two shifts every day at different centers of the university campus. A total of 44,826 students have appeared for the ‘A’ unit admission test. This is 65.83 percent of the total candidates.


The Chittagong University D-Unit Admission Result has been announced on 4 November. However, due to technical problems, it was not possible to upload the results on the website. Results will be uploaded as soon as possible after resolving the issue.

However, although the official results of the ‘D’ unit have not been published, a pass-fail statistic has been reported by the admission committee. It has been seen that 10,301 students have passed the D-Unit admission test. This year the pass rate in the ‘D’ unit is 28.13 percent. It’s about 71.87 percent of students have been failed in D-Unit.

The admission test of the ‘D’ unit was held last Saturday and Sunday (October 30 and 31) in 4 shifts. Of the 54,252 applicants, 35,502 took part in the admission test in this unit. 18,750 candidates were absent.


The Chittagong University Admission Result can be known on the website of IT cell is external). The merit list PDF can be downloaded from here. The results can also be known from the University’s official Facebook page is external).

Detailed results will available with subject-wise marks after 24 hours the results are published. To know the detailed results, one has to log in to the admission website The Chittagong University Admission Result can be known in any of the following ways.

Download PDF(link is external)Download PDF(link is external)Download PDF(link is external)
  1. Visit the admission website
  2. Enter the login option(link is external).
  3. Login with user ID and password.
  4. Check the detailed results of the assigned unit from the profile.

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